Wyton on the Hill Primary School

For everyone to learn, achieve and be the best they can be.

Diary Dates

It is our pleasure to welcome you to Wyton on the Hill Primary School. We hope that our website will provide you with some useful information about the general organisation and administration of our school.

We're in the process of changing to this new website so a number of our pages from our old site are still in the construction phase. Please keep checking back because we're gradually adding and updating the content.

Wed 12th Feb - Book Look

Tues 1st Apr, 3:30-7pm - Parent Consultations

Thurs 3rd Apr, 3:30-5pm - Parent Consultations

Fri 4th Apr, 9:15am - End of term Music Concert

w/b 17th Feb - Half term

Thurs 6th Mar, 9:15am - World Book Day assembly

Fri 7th Mar - Koi Class Wisbech trip

w/b 10th Mar - Science Week

Fri 4th Apr - Final day of term (non-school uniform)